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Social Media Planning Guide
By ICT Champions
In this no-nonsense guide, the ICT Champions show you just how to go about using the power and potential of social media.
The guide aims:
- To put your organisation and its purposes first and help you plan how social media can be used as an extra tool to assist you in achieving your goals
- To help you understand if social media will be helpful for your organisation
- How to develop and implement a social media strategy
Contents include:
- Assess the benefits of Social Media
- Step by Step Social Media Plan
- Benefits of Social Media
- Social Media Guidelines
- Types of Social Media
Download the Social Media Planning Guide for Voluntary Sector Organisations (PDF, 188Kb)
Published in 2010 by ICT Champions
About the author
ICT Champions
ICT Champions is a national programme of NAVCA funded by Capacity Builders until March 2011. Regional Champions have developed a series of resources providing signposting to help organisations use technology more efficiently and effectively
Published: 21st October 2011
Copyright © 2011 ICT Champions