Connecting Care
By Lasa Information Systems Team
Connecting Care is a Department of Health funded project from 2014-16 by Lasa to help small charitable providers of adult social care make the most of new and existing technologies. Read on to find out how your organisation can take part in Connecting Care.
What is Connecting Care
Following on from the Get Connected Project, Connecting Care is a Department of Health project delivered by Lasa to help charitable providers adult social care make the most of information communication & technologies (ICTs).
Connecting Care is offering upto £2,500* worth of independent IT consultancy from Lasa for each of the first 20 eligible organisations selected to take part each year.
There is no catch! It’s free to participate and all we ask is that you commit to working with us to achieve benefits for your organisation, and share your experiences and learning from the project.
"A project like Connecting Care can bring real benefits to our member organisations and the wider care sector. NCF is very happy to support this initiative in any way we can and would encourage our members to get involved” - Des Kelly OBE, National Care Forum
What do we get from Connecting Care?
These are some of the many benefits:
- A free ICT health check consultancy, tailored action plan and follow up visits;
- Access to donated and discounted hardware and software programmes;
- Access to ‘hands on’ workshops and online webinars to learn more about using technology in social care settings;
- Tailored email and telephone support to help you take forward the benefits of technology in your organisation;
- Access to our independent technology advice;
What Connecting Care can't do
Connecting Care is about providing access to Lasa's technology consultancy, expert advice and resources. We don’t provide IT support or IT training, but we will give you independent technology advice, help you work through a technology plan, give you access to our learning events and signpost you to quality providers of technology help.
Who is the project for?
Connecting Care is for small (50 employees or less) charitable providera of social care who want:
- independent technology advice on making better use of their existing technology;
- to know more saving money with donated and discounted hardware and software for charities;
- to know how you can take advantage of new technologies like social media, tablet devices and cloud based services.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch! It’s free to participate, all we ask is that you:
- commit to working with us to achieve technology benefits for your organisation;
- provide relevant information to help us evaluate the project;
- be willing to share your experiences and learning from the project;
- * it's not cash, it's the equivalent of upto £2,500 of our independent technology consultancy time and effort, per organisation over the life of the project.
Sign us up - how do we take part?
Still interested in improving your organisation's use of technology?
Getting started is quick, free and easy - all we ask is that your organisation start the process by completing our Expression of Interest form on SurveyMonkey.
If you have any questions about the process please contact our team.
Email: [email protected] or telephone 020 7426 4473
Expression of Interest:
Technology & social care e-bulletin
Connecting Care issues a monthly e-bulletin rounding up the latest technology and social care stories for providers of adult and social care. It's free for anyone interested in technology and adult social care. Click here to subscribe.
You can view past issues on our Storify page.
About Lasa
Lasa is a social welfare law and technology charity based in the heart of London's East End. Established in 1984, we're dedicated to supporting organisations in their use of technology and the delivery of social welfare law advice to the disadvantaged communities they serve.
About the author
Lasa Information Systems Team
Lasa's Information Systems Team provides a range of services to third sector organisations including ICT Health Checks and consulting on the best application of technology in your organisation.
Lasa IST maintains the knowledgebase.
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Published: 1st February 2013
Copyright © 2013 Lasa Information Systems Team