Downloadable Guides > Circuit Rider Resources
Circuit Rider Principles
By Lasa Information Systems Team
The ICT Hub Circuit Rider Training and Standards Project (2006 – 2008), following on from groundwork done by many non-profit technologists, carried out consultation with a wide range of Circuit Riders and other ICT voluntary sector professionals to formulate a single statement of the principles by which they work. They are reproduced below.
The Principles
I/we commit to…
Vision and values
- Recognise and respect the characteristics (vision, values, culture, funding, mission, beneficiaries and services) of the particular Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisation I/we work with and adapt my approach appropriately.
Working practices
- Work honestly and transparently, declaring any conflicts of interest (including reselling activities) and be prepared to say when a non-Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solution is the best course of action.
- Use non-technical language and examples to help organisations understand ICT and their choices.
- Understand the limitations of my ICT skills and knowledge and help to connect VCS organisations I/we work with to other ICT providers and development workers if I/we am not able to meet the organisation’s needs.
- Ensure legal and best practice requirements are made explicit to the organisations I/we work with (e.g. health and safety, data protection, environmental, accessibility, inclusion, confidentiality and licensing).
Learning, professional development and support
- Engage in continuous learning to maintain the necessary skills and level of knowledge to understand ICT, the VCS in general and any sub-sectors (e.g. health, environment, etc.) I/we work with.
- Participate in and share my knowledge with the VCS ICT community and the organisations I/we work with.
Supporting organisational development and sustainability
- Help organisations understand the impact ICT can have on staff, volunteers and beneficiaries, taking responsibility to highlight and assist with change management.
- Equip organisations with tools, knowledge and processes to enable them to make informed decisions and take full advantage of ICT and how to make ongoing strategic decisions with or without external support.
- Enable organisations to understand the total cost of ownership (TCO) needed to maintain and improve their ICT commitments, offering choice and refraining from prescribing dependency-based ICT solutions.
Originally published January 2008
The following individuals and organisations have identified that they work in accordance with the Circuit Rider principles. Signatories are based in the UK unless otherwise noted. Please see the disclaimer at the end of this page. Please note that this list is not currently maintained - if you are listed and wish to be removed please contact Lasa. Note that links to websites open in a new window (or tab depending on browser).
Paul Allen
Lewis Atkinson - Community IT Academy
Bill Best – Community Media Association
Rick Birmingham – MAP For Nonprofits, St Paul, USA
Chris Booth – Araucaria Computing
Orlando Brown – brownsmart
Jae Campbell – DOT-COMmunications
Paulin Choudja (Cameroon)
Rachel Farr – i-TRUST
Rob French – Project COSMIC
Phil Gamble - Community IT Academy
Ian Goodman
Dave Greenhalgh
Matt Holland
John Kenyon (USA)
Morgan Killick – ESP Projects
Jason King
Norman Leach – GMT Business Machines
Michael McAndrew – Third Sector Design
Miles Maier – Lasa
Michael J Maranda, Chicago, USA
Matthew Morling – Suffolk Online
William Mortada - Community IT Academy
Brian O’Hare – Anima Computing
Marc Osten – Summit Collaborative (USA)
Marcus Otite – Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services
Steve Owst – Virtual Riders
Marcus Pennell – SCIP
John Pipal – Pipal Associates
Peter Rodger – TalkingHat Associates
Richard Ross-Langley - Mine of Innovation
Ian Runeckles
Chris Smith – Virtual Riders
Rob Stead
Jon Tack – Tack Associates
Andrew Tristram – Purplezebra
Maher Ugaily – 7Clouds
Kate White – Superhighways
Laura Whitehead
Anthem ICT Services
Blue Lizard
Communities 2.0 Project
Community IT Academy
Cumbria CVS
Wales CVC Circuit Riders
Fenchurch Solutions
Digital Umbrella
Mine of Innovation
Summit Collaborative (USA)
Suffolk Online
Please note that organisations and individuals listed here may also be listed on the Lasa Suppliers Directory where more information on the services they provide can be found.
Individuals and organisations who have identified that they work in accordance with and signed up to the Circuit Rider principles are entitled to use the logo as shown.
Just copy and paste the code below into your website or blog.
<a href=""><img alt="UK Circuit Riders" title="Circuit Riders - voluntary sector technology support" src="/fileadmin/ICT/images/circuit_rider_logos/circuitriders_uk.jpg"></a>
The Circuit Rider Principles are a voluntary code. Lasa in no way endorses any of the individuals or organisations listed nor does it check that they adhere to the Principles.
If you are planning to employ or in any way use any services offered by any of the individuals or organisations listed, it is up to you to satisfy yourself that they are solvent, and capable of doing the work required. We strongly advise that you also seek and follow up references including financial references if appropriate yourself
We aim to keep the information on this webpage as current, accurate and complete as possible. Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. Lasa accepts no responsibility for the contents of linked websites and links should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. Lasa has no control over the availability of the linked pages.
About the author
Lasa Information Systems Team
Lasa's Information Systems Team provides a range of services to third sector organisations including ICT Health Checks and consulting on the best application of technology in your organisation.
Lasa IST maintains the knowledgebase.
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Blog, Browser, Circuit Rider, HTML, ICT, Website
Published: 7th January 2013
Copyright © 2013 Lasa Information Systems Team